The Data for the Environment Alliance (DEAL) is a newly conceived
Member State initiative that aims at empowering the delivery of
the environmental dimension of the 2030 agenda by making big data
and exponential technologies accessible and efficiently utilized
by member states, society, and the industry.
After being first announced at COP26 in Glasgow, DEAL was formally
launched during a high-level Ministerial Dialogue and Breakfast
held on 4 March 2022 in Nairobi. The event, organized in support
of the UNEP@50 Ministerial Declaration and the announcement of the
UN World Environment Situation Room as a UNEP@50 initiative was
co-hosted by H.E the Vice Minister of Environment of Estonia in
his capacity as Vice President of the UN Environment Assembly
Bureau and facilitated by the UN Science-Policy- Business Forum on
the Environment.
With both in-person and virtual contributions from Ministers of
Environment, technology giants, space agencies and earth
observations centers, the scientific community, UN leadership,
youth and members of the society at large, the "Big Data for the
Planet Breakfast and Ministerial Dialogue" was an opportunity to
share perspective on how big data can transform the future of
environmental action while calling for more robust science-based
decision making, stronger accountability, and greater transparency
and inclusion.
Launch Event