The Data for the Environment Alliance


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Morning Coffee & Networking

VIC - 2nd Floor Foyer


Opening & Setting the Scene



Shereen Zorba

Executive Secretary, UNSPBF

(6 min)


Executive Secretary, IPCC

(3 min)

Niklas Hedman

Acting Director, UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

(3 min)

Kristen Michal

Minister of Climate, Estonia

(3 min)

5 min

Outline of Sessions and Desired Outcomes

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Shereen Zorba

Executive Secretary, UNSPBF


I. Driving Value from Data

Deconstructing the Narrative & Unchaining the Value Chain



1. Out of the Box

6 min

Data World of the Future

Antoine Halff

Chief Analyst, Kayrros

8 min

Drawing Lessons from the 2008 Economic Crisis

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Asin Tavakoli

Partner, McKinsey & Company

Alexis Trittipo

Partner, McKinsey & Company

- How do we size the (environmental, social, economic) potential of data transformation?

- How do we identify the biggest and most pertinent value pools?

- How to get diverse systems (of Gov, industry, finance, IGOs, citizens) to rally around these opportunities?

- What type(s) of data architecture is required?

- What / how much data governance do you need for optimal results and usability? How tight should the screws be (Quality/regulatory/ownership/privacy)?

- What tools are needed

15 min

Brain Storming Session


2.Checks and Balances - Part I: Inside the UN & the Multilateral System Do we have a problem?

6 min

Risk and Early Warning

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Alexandre Caldas

Director Early Warning UNEP, Chair UN Geospatial Network


Reporting the Sustainable Development Goals

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Dany Ghafari

Environmental Indicators for the SDGs, UN Environment Programme

(5 min)

Yongyi Min

Chief SDGs Monitoring, UN Statistics

(3 min)


Multilateral Environmental Targets: The missing links

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Reina Otsuka

Lead Digital Innovation Data & Climate, UN Development Programme

(4 min)

Eva Duer

Programme Lead, UN InforMEA

(4 min)

Annalisa Minelli

Knowledge Management Officer, Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research

(4 min)

David Jensen

Digital Transformation Global Coordinator, UN Environment Programme

(4 min)

6 min

Collaborative and Citizen Science Pathways and Opportunities

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Martin Brocklehurst

Chair, Citizen Science Global Partnership

(6 min)

10 min

Open Floor

4 min


3. Putting Impact Before Data


Changing the Trajectory: What do we need to do differently for better impact?

6 min

From Data to Policy

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Ivetta Gerasimchuk

Director, Sustainable Energy, International Institute for Sustainable Development

(6 min)

6 min

From Data to Action

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Johannes Friedrich

Director of Climate Data, World Resources Institute

6 min

Use Case: Tracing Plastic Pollution

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Joe Papineschi

Chairperson, Eunomia

10 min

Open Floor

6 min

An Integrated Big Earth Data Approach for Forest, Nature and Climate:

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Laurent Durieux

Head of International Cooperation, French Institute of Research for Development (IRD)

6 min

Tracking Climate Action

Jan Burck

Senior Advisor, German Watch/ Climate Change Performance Index

10 min

Open Floor

6 min

On Building Resilience and Reducing Risk

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Edward Anderson

Senior Resilience Specialist, GFDRR, The World Bank

6 min

On Mega Platforms and Why Many Fail

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Franz Immler

Head of Environmental Observations DG Research & Innovation, European Commission

10 min

Open floor

14 min




VIC – 2nd Floor Mozart


Down to Earth: Unlocking the Scalability of Space Technology for Environment

With over 100 Terabytes of satellite imagery collected daily and billions in investment, the potential of Satellite Earth Observation Systems for decision-making remains largely unexplored. How can we change that?


Putting Earth Data to Good Use

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Helen Burdett

Head Tech Strategy, Climate and Nature, World Economic Forum

(6 min)

Eduard Escalona

Space Downstream Market Officer, EUSPA

(6 min)

6 min

Climate and Sustainability Action – National Policies as a Drive

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Christian Hauglie-Hanssen

Director General, Norwegian Space Agency

7 min

Open Floor

6 min

Space Tech and the SDGs: How to Bridge the Implementation Gap

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Huadong Guo

Director General, Big Data for SDGs Research Centre, Chinese Academy of Sciences

6 min

Africa and the Data Revolution

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Charles Mwangi

Director, Kenya Space Agency

6 min

From Geodata to Demand-Driven Services for Small Holder Farmers in Developing Countries

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Ruud Grim

Programme Manager, Space for Sustainable Development, Netherlands Space Agency

7 min

Open Floor


Coffee Break (30 minutes)

VIC - 2nd Floor Foyer



Data Governance Gaps & Opportunities

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Stefan Jensen

Acting Head of Programme Data and Information Services, European Environment Agency

(6 min)

Miapetra Kumpula Natri

Rapporteur, European Data Strategy, European Parliament

(6 min)

6 min

Towards a Global Environmental Data Strategy

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Sally Radwan

Chief Digital Officer, UN Environment Programme

10 min

Open Floor


75 min

Deep Dive: Parallel Break Out Sessions

VIC – 7th Floor Breakout rooms

17:35- 18:35

Conclusions & Wrap-up of Day One


Morning Coffee and Networking

VIC - 2nd Floor Foyer


II. Whole New Data: Markets and Financial Disclosure

Checks and Balances – Part II: Capital Markets

6 min

Tracking Sustainability and Investment Data and Strategies

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Liam Stoker

Lead Author, Reuters Global Sustainability Report

6 min

A Crisis in Confidence for Climate Disclosure?

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Tim Nixon

CEO, Signal Climate Analytics

10 min

Open Floor

6 min

How ESG Intelligent Data Flows & Architecture Look Like Levent Ergin, Global Chief Strategist for ESG Sustainability, Informatica

6 min

Understanding Consumer Data and Behaviour

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Zhang Li

Director, Green Inclusive Carbon Neutrality Center

6 min

Towards More Integrated Approaches to Market Disclosure

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Laura LĂ©tourneau

Advisor on Digital and Ecological Transformation, Office of the Prime Minister of France

15 min

Open Floor


6 min

Unpacking Interdisciplinary Data Strategies and Applications

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Arne Bathke

Dean, Faculty of Digital & Analytical Sciences, University of Salzburg

10 min

Open Floor


III. Technology Frontiers: Making the most of Digital and Analytics

6 min

Big Data and Conservation: Challenges and Opportunities

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

David Thau

Global Data and Technology Lead Scientist, WWF

6 min

IBM: Delivering the Future

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Robert Parkin

Distinguished Engineer and Chief Data Scientist, IBM

10 min

Open Floor

6 min

Why Tech is not for All and Why it Should be

Amen Mashariki

Director of Data Strategies, Bezos Earth Fund

6 min

Solutions in the Cloud

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

John Abel

Technical Director/Office of the Chief Technology Officer, Google Cloud

10 min

Open Floor


75 min

Deep Dive: Parallel Break-out Sessions



VIC – 2nd Floor Mozart


75 min

Deep Dive: Parallel Break-out Session

7th Floor Breakout rooms


Coffee Break (40 minutes)

VIC - 2nd Floor Foyer


1 hr


17:40 - 18:00

Wrap-up Day Two


Morning Coffee and Networking

VIC - 2nd Floor Foyer


IV. Data Systems for the Future – How does that Look Like?


Where We Are and Where We Need to Be: Policy Perspectives

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Kevin Murphy

Chief Science Data Officer, NASA

(4 min)

Mario Giovanni Molina

Manager of Geostatistics for Climate Change and Risk Management, El Salvador

(4 min)

Doni Nugroho

Head of Geospatial Information Network, Indonesia

(4 min)

Mathias Bornschein

Open Data Coordinator, German Environment Agency

(4 min)

Sutanuka Sarkan

Assistant Director, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, India

(4 min)

Katrin Saarsalu-Layachi

Special Envoy for Climate and Energy Policy, Estonia

(4 min)

45 min


Holger Harreis

Senior Partner and Global Leader of McKinsey’s Data Transformation Practice, McKinsey & Company

Juergen Weichenberger

VP AI - New Value Streams, Schneider Electric

Antoine Halff

Chief Analyst, Kayrros


20 min

Open Discussion


120 min

Deep Dive: Charting the Way Forward





VIC – 2nd Floor Mozart


All Together Now!

Consensus Building and Outcomes

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary


Coffee Break (40 minutes)

VIC - 2nd Floor Foyer


6 min

Towards a Global Environmental Strategy for the Planet: The Way Forward

VIC – 7th Floor Conf Room 3 Plenary

Sally Radwan

Chief Digital Officer, UN Environment Programme

16:35- 17:05

Open Floor, Next Steps and Adjournment of Session